Bowerbirdy Academy, together with Watford Borough Council are hosting a range of free, fun and challenging activities during school holidays for children and young people aged from 5 to 15. We will be providing free activities for around 60 children per indoor session and unlimited children for outdoor parks and woodlands of Watford.
All activities must be pre-booked in advance via our Schedule page. We have also improved our booking in system so that only one log in is needed to book more than one child on activities. Plus, you can now cancel your booking online if you can no longer attend, allowing other children to enjoy the activities.
All sessions are free.
If your child wants to take part in the activities programme; due to recent changes to data protection law (GDPR), it is now necessary for all children and young people be registered by a parent/responsible adult providing emergency contact details, medical requirements and non-compulsory equalities data. In the event of an emergency every effort will be made to contact parents or guardians using the information supplied.
We sometimes take photographs or video footage for publicity purposes. These images may appear in our printed publications, on our website, or both. We may also send them to the news media, which may use them in printed publications, and/or on their websites, and store them in their archives. They may also syndicate the photos to other media for possible use, either in printed publications, or on websites, or both. The images we take will be of activities that show the children/ staff in a positive light. Embarrassing or distressing images will not be used. The images will not be associated with distressing or sensitive issues or to do with a child’s welfare. We will take all reasonable measures to ensure the images are used solely for the purposes for which they are intended. However we cannot guarantee that this will happen and take no responsibility for the way images are used by other websites or publishers, or for any consequence whatsoever arising from such publication. Parents/responsible adults can opt IN of allowing their child’s image to be taken at point of registration.